Sunday, February 12, 2012


I made this picture.  I made it first by standing outside somewhere in the country presumably some morning, and then I enhanced it on my computer... because really, without some digital device - this image does not exist.

I think images tend to stand for themselves, so as I type this I cannot really see the purpose of explaining the image. I think it's self evident.  I also think that people can read into or take away whatever they want from a picture.

I'm particularly fond of this one.

I've been MIA from blog comments lately, I know. If it makes me a bad blogger, then so be it.
Life is busy sometimes.
I started a writing project 10-12 years ago, and I've been on it on and off for a while over the years. But recently is the most consistently I've stayed on it. I suppose in a way it's like going through an old box of mementos that was shoved away in a closet somewhere... although I remember most of it as clear as day.

So, if I haven't visited you in a while, it's probably because I'm sitting here at my desk staring at a word processing document and thinking about printer formatting for book pages... and grammar quirks, and possibly semi-colons — they're not just for winking emoticons.

Every year I think to myself that I should just go for it and work on this project. And slowly every year life creeps in and provides a distraction. I think, perhaps, this year will be different.


Sueann said...

I love that pic!! Gorgeous!! And yes life does get busy. Working on the books is a great thing to be busy with. Good for you!! And good luck

Diane ~ said...

i hear you Sarah. i struggle the same way, i feel pulled in different directions, i want to create this, paint that, then there's the socializing on line, the blog, not to mention family & everyday LIFE! But i am cheering you on in your writing adventure!!:D

Virginia said...

Boy I also often think that blogging is an exercise in futility. But I didn't start my blog to attract online friends -- I started it out of "artistic desperation" to answer the question "Am I really creative?" Having people stop by and comment is like icing on the cake. So on my cake I think maybe you are a sugar tigerlily! BTW I love this photo of "two birds in a tree on a turquoise sky blue day thinking about spring" photo. And you are right-- it's what the viewer sees, isn't it?