Sunday, August 21, 2011

all this stuff

It was a busy and sleepless week of stuff. It seems like a lost week, I suppose. I had things to design, things to draw, things to photograph, things to get done... and at the end of it all, there's still more stuff to do. Yes, the doing of things is endless.

hummingbird feeder | tigerlily | hummingbird brooches
beloved fish pillow | pile of paintings | sketches of birds
plastic fish in bowl | resin turtle | stack of sketchbooks

And the place is a mess. And cleaning everything up (which isn't so much cleaning as it is putting things back in the terribly impractical places where they seem to be stored) just isn't a relaxing activity. So, there's the chaos of all this stuff.

And then I went shopping... and bought more stuff. And it's not exactly like I'm a clotheshorse or something, so by stuff — I mean art supplies and craft supplies... So, yes, now there's more stuff, and it needs to be put somewhere.

So, excuse my absence, I need to put some stuff away and make the place seem like a place I want to be in, instead of a place I'd like to flee from.

And then when I get done with that I have more stuff to do, and for the love of all things, would someone come and put all that stuff away when it's time to move on to the next thing.

Oh, stuff...


Out on the prairie said...

Ahhhh but look at all the beauty in the stuff around you. I have a cleaning lady who rarely touches anything in my office unless it is to sweep under it.I figured you were busy, love the hummer pins.

Montanagirl said...

I know what you mean...things can get out of hand in a hurry. I have things I've been avoiding doing too!

Hilary said...

Oh I know about stuff. But how nice it feels when stuff gets put away.. even if it doesn't last too long. Take your time.. don't forget to enjoy other things while you take care of stuff.

S. Etole said...

The "stuff" made a delightful collage!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Stuff does seem to multiply and move into every corner. I'm overwhelmed with stuff too.

Catherine said...

There just never seems to be enough time to do all the fun stuff that we want to do. Darn if that housework, chores and working don't get in the way. :(

I still have my lovely tiger lilly photo from you ~ I look at it often and think of you Sarah. :)

xo Catherine

Happy Little Trees Studio said...

I can totally relate! Great collage of photos!

Kelly said...

...hahaha! You sound like me. It seems I've spent my entire life running behind the eight ball!

Dave said...

Mmmm, seems like you need a course of instruction in organisation :-) . I guess we all do from time to time - Dave