Sunday, June 19, 2011


So, the bluebirds...
Yes, I think I've mentioned the eastern bluebirds a gazillion or so times. When we're lucky, not only do they visit our backyard, but they nest there. So, below is a picture of the old nest box... it is no more. It was old, and it was literally falling apart. That's what happens with weather and age. My father made that nest box. And my father made the new nest box that after some swearing and consternation was installed in it's place.

Yeah, it's a wooden box bolted to a metal pole. The bolts holding up the old box were rusty. One of them had to be removed via hacksaw because the wrench and the can of WD-40 just wasn't going to cut it. Good thing my father bought me that hacksaw for Christmas, I guess...

This was the old box.
So, anyway, the bluebirds have been hanging around the yard again. They watched the demolition of the old house. There was much squawking and wing waving. And then, hours later they were in the backyard, nesting materials in beak, building a nest in the other nest box... you know - not the nice new one. Birds.

So, anyway, it is now Father's Day. So, if you're a father: Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day is one of those kind of annoying sneaky holidays. It creeps up on me every year. I love my father, don't get me wrong, it's just that Father's Day has this annoying habit of being on or around my birthday. No one likes multitasking on their birthday... There's a 2 day delay this year, but I still have to share it with the first day of summer.

Anyway, every year there is a last minute Father's Day gift... so this is this year's. Yup, it's a drawing of a male eastern bluebird. Yes, I draw a lot of bluebirds, you can see them here.

I sat down in front of the computer whilst catching up on the Daily Show & Colbert on hulu and drew the bluebird on a branch.

Then that was scanned into photoshop. I cleaned up the scan and adjusted the layer to just black and white. Then I blocked the scan and started filling it in with colors and used a photograph for the background.

This was the photo I used for the sky. I took it on Thursday morning while it was sprinkling on and off. Stormy skies are generally the most interesting to look at. Obviously, when I used it in the picture I adjusted the colors and levels.

I printed out the colorized scan of my drawing onto some 2-ply plate bristol and began coloring it with my favorite medium: prismacolors.

And there it is. Well, I have to sign it and slice off the border so I can fit it in a picture frame, but otherwise it's done :D

Have a Happy Father's Day!


Out on the prairie said...

Very unique how all was put together. I enjoy watching nest boxes and put up 25 last year around my area.I hope you have a good birthday.

Montanagirl said...

Very nice how your drawing turned out. I'm sure your father will love it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, what a cool gift! Just love seeing the process!

Vix said...

What a perfect and unique gift, your Dad will be so touched. x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the first photo is really beautiful, it says peacefulness and i like it a lot.
great idea on the bird coloring. i can't draw, but maybe could do that with a coloring book drawing. really creative and interesting

Emily, Resplendent Tranquility said...

Wow, this is really well done. I love the combination of the varied mediums. And the color is so vibrant. A first rate representation of a blue bird, I'd say! They're such beautiful little things. I'm always happy to see them around these parts, too :)

Betty Manousos said...

gorgeous gift! simply gorgeous!
your dad will be so proud and moved.

i love your blog!

Tabor said...

The best gift for any parent is the gift of time...either with the parent or in the making of a homemade treasure. Congrats!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

We have three bluebird houses that are occupied. I love to watch them. Your drawing is really pretty and I know your father will love it.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely drawing and painting. A great birthday suppose.

Regan said...

The artwork is gorgeous!

Anyes said...

Beautiful Blue Bird drawing, such a nice Father's Day present :-)

Shelley said...

It was so interesting to see how you put together your drawing - so beautiful and what a nice gift for your father to receive!

Dave said...

Its interesting Sarah, the way you demonstrate how you develop your paintings. Thanks for that - Dave

Anonymous said...

you are very beautiful.. and very stylish! i love your blog.. :) i followed you here.

really hoping you could visit my blog too and follow back... would be a pleasure.. :)


xoDanielle said...

Awesome, I love the mixed mediums<3

Hilary said...

Thanks for sharing the process of this wonderful gift to your Dad. I'll be he loved it. And Happy Birthday to YOU!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is such an interesting process! I love the finished product- you are quite talented! What a lovely present :)